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What is Equestrian Physiotherapy?

Equestrian physiotherapy is a well-established form of treatment within physiotherapy, where the horse's movements are used as the basis of the treatment.

The movements are particularly beneficial for training balance, strengthening muscles, promoting symmetrical muscle work and coordination.
Equestrian physiotherapy can dissolve tensions and spasms, and is superb in relation to posture-correcting measures. The interaction with the horse stimulates concentration and social adaptation.

For many, equestrian physiotherapy is a combination of treatment and a fun activity, which makes this form of therapy unique. They experience that they are riding, while the therapist uses the activity to train the rider according to each individual's needs. The horses used are often specially trained to be "therapists", and for many riders contact and cooperation with the horse is important.

Riding physiotherapy is practiced today all over the world as a valuable treatment method, both in somatic and psychiatric treatment.

(information obtained from the Norwegian Physiotherapy Association)


er Guntige for


-styrke muskulatur

-fremme symmetrisk     muskelarbeid


-løse opp spenninger og spasmer

-holdningskorrigerende tiltak

-Den rytmiske bevegelsen gir avspennende effekt.

Hestens bevegelse er

grunnlaget i behandlingen

føles som aktivitet

-ikke behandling


kan styrke 




-Fysisk og psykisk velvære


-evne til planlegging

-Persepsjon og kognisjon


"Ridning er medisin for kropp og sinn"


jeg liker deg akkurat som du er

Hvem kan få behandling

Gravås ridefysioterapi

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